Like. If you want factory ammo options, go with Creedmoor. has several significant advantages over the 6mm Creedmoor that are primarily the result of the . Print. I have spe. Running 6mm Dasher or 6mm GT in an AXSR. No question the 6 BR is the easiest to load, basically plug and play with VarGet and RL15. There are other considerations, like barrel life, ammo cost, and recoil. 110 SMK vs 6. Today, the 6mm CM is the third most popular cartridge in the Precision Rifle Series, coming in just behind 6mm Dasher and 6. The 6mm ARC gives hunters the ability to successfully hunt varmints and deer. Now if one pushed the 6mm ARC to say 58k psi then who knows. (assuming you are running a tight-neck –. Ammo & Handloading Field Tests & Studies Load Development. None of the major ammunition factories have started offering. was conducted in a 100 yrd indoor range climate controlled. 308 Win, 6. For more info on the test equipment and how the data was gathered, please see the. Wind drift is a different story. 5×47 Lapua Load Data; 6XC Load Data (this article) While I’d feel fortunate to know what load any of these top shooters are running, this set of data is the aggregate of well over 100 truly world-class shooters, so what a rich and unique data set. 22 LR -- MANNERS CZ ELITE GAP View specs. which most Dasher shooters will do). So a 6 creed running a 105 at 2950 compared to a Dasher running a 105 at 2950. 6mm Dasher Load Data – What The Pros Use. , 243 Win. I'm told that with the 6 Creedmoor, barrels don't last very long and money is a real concern for us. 22-250 over to a . 5x47. i like to keep it simple. The 243 has a case length of 2. You can even change a . 5 PRC 6. 6 grains Hodgdon CFE223, yielding 2680 fps (it makes 2820 fps from 31. The recoil data was collected using high-speed, high-resolution force sensors. . The burn rate of RL TS 15. 6mm Dasher is a widely used cartridge for mid-range F Class and shoot one myself. case, being based on the . Hornady is claiming its 6mm ARC will yield 2,750 fps with a 108-grain ELD-M bullet from a 24-inch barrel. The the tried and true 6mm BR. The BR was not designed to be shot out of bolt-action rifles but meant to be single-fed. The old 243 Winchester can beat that by about 300 fps. The 6mm barrel will go on this rig (currently a savage heavy varmint barrel in 6. Full Member. a 6 Creedmoor? Hodgdon's website says a 6CM will require. . I think they offer dasher, creedmoor and ARC compatible with most actions. The change will not have an impact on seating depth, but will result in a different COAL. SEE IT. The creator of the 6GT, George Gardner, specifically targeted resolving these feeding issues in cartridge development. It has a bit more neck than the BRX. 5's to ~ $31/box Sierra 110's. Suitable primers, cases, powders, and bullets are abundant. Quick view Out of Stock. We poured 200ml of H4350 into a measuring cup on a non-precision scale. About Eagle Eye 6 Dasher 105gr Hybrid with Alpha OCD Brass. We chose these cartridges based on their strong. This seems strange, because the . Match calendar and 6BR competition tips. Reply. The bullet diameter of each caliber is the same at . mick243 Sergeant of the Hide. 243 Win. 9 inches at 400 yards. 5 ft. . It is highly regarded for competition shooting, and it holds its own for long range shooting thanks to its. The 6mm 109’s offer several advantages,” said Bryan Litz, Berger’s Chief Ballistician. Compare. Previous topic - Next topic. 5x77 (. Since the 6mm Creedmoor is still relatively new, there are more options appearing in stores every year. Add to cart Quick. In 1996 Norma, a Swedish company, introduced the 6mm BR. this for strictly target (never for hunting) i know 6mm dasher pretty much the king on 6mm f class. ADDED: 1-2-2021. 5 Creedmoor; 6mm Dasher vs 6. 6mm BR Message Boards, 6BR Reader Polls, Photos. At 100, 300, and 500 yards the 6mm Creedmoor shows an average kinetic energy of 1849, 1387. User actions. Bergara Rifles BPR25-6CM Premier Competition 6mm Creedmoor 10+1 26 in Threaded Heavy Stainless Barrel, Graphite Black Rec, Tungsten MPA BA Competition Chassis, TriggerTech Special . 22 Creedmoor mentioned above. 6mm creedmoor, 95gr Sierra TMK, 2. So let’s hear the pros and cons of the 6mm creedmoor vs the 6mm gt. Both use the same 6mm/. Depending on the bullet line you're shooting, there can be some money saved on projectiles with a 6mm to help balance out the barrel life reduction. 5 Creedmoor or 6. #6mm #longrangeshooting #. 30 Stewart; Best Long Range Calibers: Reviews and Recommendations Best for Hunting: . The 6mm CM barrel life is going to me MUCH shorter. 244/6mm Rem. SOLD Hawk Hill 6mm Creedmoor barrel for Defiance Tenacity. Snow has found this extends brass life, as well as giving more room in the shortened case. Both run 105/107s at 3000 with ease. The . 5 grains (10%) more case. 6mmBR. Just depends on what your looking for I guess. The dies are more expensive and the brass has to be formed. That led to improvements like 6BRA (Ackley Improved), 6BRX, and the 6mm Dasher more recently. * Justin Lowe – I never went hunting with anything but my . As a comparison, bullets with BCs in excess of 0. 5x47 Lapua 6BRA 6mm Creedmoor 6mm. 243 Win rounds show an average. The 6mm Dasher was the most popular cartridge overall among these shooters with 27% of the top-ranked shooters in the PRS & NRL choosing to run that cartridge. The bc’s on the heavy 6. 2. Dec 8, 2021. 243 Win. The shoulder on a 6GT round is approximately 0. There are plenty of factory guns and ammunition to choose. This is still a formidable load and will continue to be competitive despite the arrival of the newcomers nipping at its heels. This is a definate learnig process. Even the 6mm Rem is an option. Will be a short barrel build no longer than 20” and being ran suppressed. Cartridge Specs. 243” diameter bullets, but the 6mm Creedmoor was specifically designed to use longer, heavier, and more aerodynamic projectiles. 5mm. I was wanting accuracy and the ability to shoot longer ranges. 5mm (0. Im wanting to build my first long range rifle, with the nucleus action. We take some of the most popular competition 6mm cartridges and do a head to head comparison using common aftermarket chassis options, same barrel length, twist. On the one side is the larger 6mm Creedmoor; on the other are the 6mm Benchrest variants and their kin that have become the darlings of the moment among PRS and NRL shooters. 471 inches. At 1,000 yards, the 6. 243 Win. Like its 6. Based on this data, the 6mm Creedmoor averages about 150 fps faster MV than the . Some of the greats are (from left) 6mm BR Norma, 24 Nosler, . 308 Win, 22 Creedmoor, 22 GT, 25 Creedmoor, 6 BR, 6 BRA, 6 Creedmoor, 6 Dasher, 6. It promised to shoot 105-110gr 6mm bullets at 2950-3000 FPS, yet not suffer from mag-feed issues sometimes found with 6mmBR variants such as the 6 Dasher,. 66K subscribers 368 34K views 3 years ago This video is for the data. I was looking at the 6BRA or 6mm Creedmoor. I found the 6. One is 300 and the other is 600. 243 bullets, 30BR cartridge,. 5 CM. Javascript is required. Don’t discount the 6 Norma Dasher. The popular Dasher is very accurate and has set many records. I don't think you can go terribly wrong with any of the popular 6mm offerings for target shooting, it just depends on what you want more. #3. C. The 6. 6mm ARC: AR-15 vs AR-10 6mm ARC vs. 8 SPC 6mm ARC: Bolt Gun Application 6mm ARC: Cartridge Design 6mm ARC: Best AR-15. 5 offers higher velocities for the same charge weight as well as ability to. The prc is in another class imo. The 6mm ARC produces a larger splash signature that allows shooters to self-spot impacts and make rapid adjustments. a run for its money due to its superb accuracy. Both rifles are accurate with the main difference being the 6CM can fire heavier bullets. GAP10 -- 6MM CREEDMOOR -- ALL BLACK View specs. 243 Winchester is probably the greatest of the great 6mms, the 6mm Creedmoor, which blossomed in 2017, is giving the . The problem with the 6mm Comp Match is that I'm running between 49 - 50grs of Ramshot Magnum with a 115gr Dtac at 3050fps. Unlike the NGSW the 6 ARC is a standard cartridge fired from an AR-15. I forgot to ask for a comparison between the 6GT, 6 Dasher, 6 BRDX, 6mm Creedmoor in terms of velocity, accuracy, recoil, and barrel life… I had set myself on the 6mm Creedmoor path with a Proof Carbon fiber barrel mated to a tuned 700 , and I’m second guessing myself. 5mm Creedmoor, or 6mm Creedmoor or even . This efficient 6mmBR Improved cartridge, with a 40-degree shoulder, has also been adopted by many. Featuring a 40-degree Ackley-type shoulder and 10 percent more case capacity over the parent 6mm BR case, the 6mm Dasher has been used to set records in the 600 and 1,000-yard benchrest community, and has become a favorite among competitors in the Precision Rifle Series as well. The rifle is a Sig SSG3000. 5 creedmoor vs 6mm dasher. 150 inches longer than the Dasher, further improving feed reliability. 5 Creedmoor Load Data; 6BRX, 6BRA, and 6BR Load Data; 6 & 6. 6mm Creedmoor Both Copper Creek and McCort amunition have several loadings for the 6mm Creedmoor on properly headstamped brass. 6mm Creedmoor Vs. Started by Ed, May 07, 2017, 05:32:47 PM. Being a bit slower than RL 15, new TS 15. 243's six-decade head start in development. 6mm GT vs 6mm Creedmoor. The wind was 3-6. 5 Creedmoor. The 6mm BR (Bench Rest) was created in the early 1960s for, you guessed it, bench rest competitions. Brass life is very good and some of the people I shoot with have over 3000 rounds down the tube with no deterioration in accuracy. The Dasher offers about ten percent more case capacity than the standard 6mm BR and provides an extra 130 feet per second velocity with a 105 grain bullet. 243 Winchester with 95-100 grain hunting bullets. Jan 14, 2022 #43 ;6BR Improved Cartridge Guide. The . 5 Creedmoor, 308 Winchester. 260 REM, . i also heard both 6CM and 6xc can fireform 22-250 thats a plus on both. August 20, 2020 By Steve Gash. The length of the 6mm GT also helps it to feed better.